Watch the videos below for you to understand Agile faster!
Uzility – What is Agile Scrum? This video will get you started with the details to you need to start working with Scrum.
Mark Shead- This short cartoon answers the question “What Is Agile?” and will give you the background to understand the Agile principles and values and how they can help you and your team work together more efficiently.Mark Shead-
Henrik Kniberg- This is basically a 1 day product ownership course compressed into 15 minute animated presentation. There’s obviously more to product ownership than this, so see this is a high level summary.
SSW TV | Videos for developers, by developers– We’ve converted the ‘Scrum Master’ definition from the 2013 Scrum Guide into cartoon form to illustrate the role of a Scrum Master in a Scrum team.